Working with Constraints¶
Defining constraints in PyMathProg is very easy. After creating the model, you can use two different styles to add constraints to it.
- the implicit way(the more natural way): simply use inequalities(comparisons using ‘<=’, ‘==’, ‘>=’) to construct constraints.
- the explicit way: use the st(.) method to add constraints. This way is a little more combersome, and it is the old way.
Which way to go entirely depends on your taste, the results are the same.
With a single comparison¶
Let’s first use the more natural way to add constraints:
x = var('x', 3)
y = var('y')
c = [6,4,3]
sum(p*q for p,q in zip(c,x)) <= y
x[0] + x[2] >= x[1]
x[0] + x[2] <= 1
Now the equivalence in the explicit way is as follows:
x = var('x', 3)
y = var('y')
c = [6,4,3]
st( sum(p*q for p,q in zip(c,x)) <= y )
st( x[0] + x[2] >= x[1] )
st( x[0] + x[2] <= 1 )
Surely, we can use index sets to make the model more easy to read and write, as seen in this more interesting model for diet optimization:
from pymprog import *
fruits = ('apple', 'pear', 'orange')
nutrit = ('fat', 'fibre', 'vitamin')
ntrmin = ( 10, 50, 30 ) # min nutrition intake
#nutrition ingredients of each fruit
ingred = ('apple': (3,4,5), 'pear': (2,4,1),
'orange': (2,3,4))
diet = var('diet', fruits, int)
for n, ntr in enumerate(nutrit):
sum( diet[frt] * ingred[frt][n]
for frt in fruits) >= ntrmin[n]
Those constraints are perfectly fine: they just have one comparison. Now let’s get a little more sophisticated.
With double comparisons¶
Things get more interesting when we use continuous comparisons in Python to specify both the lower and upper bounds in one expression:
>>> begin('model')
>>> x, y = var('x, y')
>>> 3 <= 4 * x + 5 * y <= 6
The new thing appears on the last line. It bounds the linear expression in the middle by both a lower and upper bound using continuous comparison.
Before we move on, let’s do a little side talk on the similarity of variable bounds and constraints. We already know how to bound a variable x:
>>> x <= 100
>>> 1 <= x <= 5
From pure mathematical sense, bounds are just a special case of constraints. And PyMathProg honors that sense, in that the effect is the same as if it were a constraint. Yet, in terms of how things gets done inside, that simply adds to the list of bounds for x, so that all the bounds are simultaneous (adding a bound to a variable does not cancle any of its previous bounds), just like constraints do.
More than two continuous comparisons are not encouraged in PyMathProg. The major purpose of continuous comparisons is to set both the lower and the upper bounds for a row, in which case the two bounds must not contain variables. However, it is entirely legal to use as many comparisons as you like, the only caution is that in Python, if any of the comparison evaluates to a False, all the later comparisons will not be evaluated, and thus won’t take any effect (i.e. they would not produce constraints).
Grouping constraints¶
Sometimes, it is necessary to use a Python variable to hold a constraint for later use, for example, to obtain the dual value for a constraint. This is simple:
>>> begin('model')
model('model') is the default model.
>>> x, y = var('x, y')
>>> R = 3 * x + y >= 5
>>> R
R1: 3 * x + y >= 5
>>> = 'Sugar Level'
>>> R
Sugar Level: 3 * x + y >= 5
Upon creation, a constraint is given a default name like this: R#, where # is the serial number. Sometimes, it is desirable to change to a more meaningful name, which can be done by assigning to the name property of a constraint. Of course, it can also be done by employing the st(...) function with the argument for name supplied. Use help(st) in an interactive session for more information. Another more elegant solution is to use a group object to group desired constraints together. The cool thing about group objects is that they can automatically name the constraints by the group name with the index used as subscript. Here is an illustration of using group objects:
from pymprog import *
minlev = group('minlev')
fruits = ('apple', 'pear', 'orange')
nutrit = ('fat', 'fibre', 'vitamin')
ntrmin = ( 10, 50, 30 ) # min nutrition intake
#nutrition ingredients of each fruit
ingred = ('apple': (3,4,5), 'pear': (2,4,1),
'orange': (2,3,4))
diet = var('diet', fruits, int)
for n, ntr in enumerate(nutrit):
minlev[ntr] = sum( diet[frt] * ingred[frt][n]
for frt in fruits) >= ntrmin[n]
The new stuff here is that we use a group called ‘minlev’ to hold the constraints, so minlev[‘fat’] would hold the constraint for minimal level of fat, and that constraint is also given an informative name “minlev[‘fat’]”. The resultant model would be much easier to understand.